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Do young people have more sex now?

Actually, in Canada, the number of 16-19 year olds that have ever been sexually active has DECREASED. The majority of 16-19 year olds have never had sexual intercourse.

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How do you know if it is the right time to have sex?

It can sometimes be tricky to know if it’s the right time to have sex with someone. Usually, you’ll know if you’re not into it.

If you are :

  • doing it just to get it over with;
  • doing it because you are expected to;
  • dreading the experience;
  • feeling disgusted;
  • feeling scared;

… then it is not the right time. Listen to your gut and remember that no one should ever make you feel pressured to have sex.

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

Will I know if my partner has a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

Most likely not. Many STIs do not present any symptoms. The best way to know if your partner has an STI is to book an appointment with a healthcare professional and ask to be tested for ALL STIs.

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When do you do it for the first time, does it hurt?

Vaginal sex:

If the vagina has been properly lubricated and if you are relaxed and comfortable, any feelings of pain could be due to the fact that you have a thicker hymen. The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the opening of the vagina. It may or may not be broken before your first time having sex. If the pain is intense, you should stop and talk to a healthcare professional.

Anal sex:

If it is your first time receiving anal penetration, you should be properly lubricated, relaxed and comfortable. Go slowly. Pain is normal but tends to go away the more the anus gets used to the penetration. If the pain is too intense, then stop and communicate the way you feel with your partner. Bleeding is normal but you should consult a healthcare professional if the bleeding persists.

* You may want to look into purchasing an anal rinse tool to ensure a more pleasurable and cleaner experience.

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

What if you partner has already had sex and you haven’t?
  • Many people feel that if someone has had sex before, that person will be better, and this can be intimidating. However, sex is always different with different people, so even if your partner has had sex before, that person will be better at it and still be a new experience that your partner has to get used to.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can also tell your partner that it is your first time so that your partner is aware of this and can act accordingly. Remember that the first time should start slow, and you should use proper lubrication that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

*Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

Can the penis get stuck in a vagina?

This is not common. If it happens, do not try to pull out on your own. Most couples will only be stuck for a few seconds, so give yourself a break from the action. Take a few deep breaths and the muscles will likely relax. In the event that you remain stuck after a few minutes, call for emergency medical attention by dialing 9-1-1.

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Can you have sex when you are on your period?

You can have sex any time, even when you have your period. It might sometimes be painful. If there is any pain it might be best not to have sex because sex is meant to be mutually pleasurable and not painful. Otherwise, if it is not painful, it’s your choice whether you want to continue or not. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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What happens when you have sex during your period?

There’s no issue with this. Some people still choose to have sex and some people prefer to stop but there is nothing dangerous about it. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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Can pineapple make a vagina or cum/precum/semen/sperm taste good?

No. Some drinks or foods may somewhat alter the taste but the taste of it will never be associated to things that you eat. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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Can you swallow cum/precum/semen/sperm?

Swallowing precum, semen or sperm may mean that you are ingesting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) because semen carries STIs and you could catch these through the use of your mouth. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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What is furry porn?

This is a type of pornography containing images, videos or animations of animals having sex. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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Can you get pregnant from swallowing cum/precum/semen/sperm?

There is no direct link from the mouth to the reproductive organs so it is not possible? There is nothing unhealthy, wrong, or dirty about swallowing semen, as long as you’re comfortable with it. It is not possible to get pregnant from oral sex, whether or not you swallow. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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What are the benefits and risks of circumcision?

The removal of the foreskin of a penis can be done for either religious reasons or hygiene reasons. There are no risks or benefits to being circumcised. If you are not circumcised, it’s important to pull the foreskin back when showering and wash the head of your penis so that you do not get an infection. You can know that your penis might be infected if the head of the penis, under the foreskin, turns red and gets itchy. This requires treatment creams and the attention of a pharmacist or a doctor. If you are experiencing this, click here to find a clinic near you by using our Support Locator to find an adolescent clinic near you. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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What is a yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva — the tissues at the vaginal opening. Yeast infection happens when you have a vagina and you are not wiping properly when you pee, or when you stay in humid underwear after sweating, or when you are wearing pads that are tight in that area, or using flavored condoms during intercourse, or putting any type of sugary product on the vulva. Yeast infection could be treated by using pharmaceutical product over the counter (cost approx. $15.00). Anybody with a vagina can get yeast infection; therefore, there is no shame whatsoever, and if you know you have yeast infection around your vagina and it does not go away by using pharmaceutical products, you should not wait to see your doctor. The longer you have it the itchier it gets. Click here to see an adolescent clinic near you and get help with this. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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What can both a male and female do to prevent pregnancy?

You can choose abstinence, meaning that you can choose not to have sexual intercourse, or you can choose to use a method of contraception. Click here to find out which contraception is right for you (link to BIC). Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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Are STIs dangerous and can you die from them?

There are some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that can lead to cancers or that, if left untreated, can become really harmful or even cause death. For example, an untreated case of chlamydia can lead to sterility (Not being able to reproduce) and HPV can lead to cancer. May STIs have no symptoms and are invisible so it’s important to go get STI testing regularly. You can know where to go for an STI test by using our Support Locator to find an adolescent clinic near you. These tests can be done anonymously. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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How do lesbians have sex?

Lesbians typically use sex toys, oral sex, or their hands for mutual pleasure. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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How does cum taste?

We call ‘cum’ precum or semen. Typically, it tastes somewhat salty or metallic or sweet, depending on the person. Remember that the food you eat might alter the taste of it but will never taste like the actual beverage or food you consume. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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What does LGBTQ stand for?

This part of the acronym stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/In Questioning. This acronym is actually longer and grows with time as we come to understand more sexual orientations and gender identities. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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How can someone part of the LGBTQ+ communities deal with online and in-person homophobia?

Locate the resources available around you. Check out our support options (link) or contact Interligne (Link). There’s no quick fix. Google resources that exist around you or ask your school counsellor. You can also connect with us and ask us (link to contact). Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

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How do you work on your yourself and keep a relationship at the same time?

This is where boundaries come in. Be honest about where you want to spend your time. Be open and communicate with your partner about what you like and don’t like to do together. If the person isn’t respecting that, you may have to decide whether or not the relationship is worth keeping. Respecting boundaries is important. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

What is a good age to have sex?

There is no ideal age to have sex but there are ideal circumstances. If you are not comfortable with the person and don’t know them or trust them, if you have been consuming drugs or alcohol and cannot give your full and clear consent, these are circumstances that are not ideal for deciding to have sex with a person. If you are unsure at the moment about whether or not to have sex, reach out to us and tell us about it (link).

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

How do you call people out (rape jokes, homophobic speech, etc) without being weird about it?

Try to imagine how you would want to hear it. If the person is insulted or too affected, then it may not always be totally on you to manage that person. The important part is that you communicate what is acceptable or not acceptable to say after you acknowledge that something wrong happened. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

What exactly causes menstruation cramps?

Menstruation happens in the uterus and moves matter all around the reproductive system. This can cause pain in the belly area and all the way to your back. Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

Is it true that physical activity can reduce the pain of a cramp?

Yes, it is true. When we have our period, continue to keep your body moving and blood pumping. There is a lot of evidence to show that movement during a menstrual cycle can reduce pain. If the pain continues, locate an adolescent clinic and talk to a doctor or nurse about it (link). Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.

* Reach out to us if you have questions about your situation and want more information.